Star Gazing
Have you ever gazed into the stars for an extensive period of time? So long that you suddenly comprehend the fact that you are staring into infinity? This fact settles into your mind like the last circles of a cat before it settles into an easy position. The awareness, the recognition, has been circling within your mind since you first lifted your eyes to the nightly heavens. Just now the thought has come to a point of realization.
Once understanding is embraced you can envision the layers of space and heaven reaching out in an endless way. Is this endlessness but a void? Or is it perception? Is perception a void? Are our limitations set only by what we imagine them to be? I believe we set our own limitations. I feel that if a person stares into a sea of stars they are truly gazing into a sea of possibilities…They just haven’t realized it. They have set their own confines.
Have you ever had the feeling that your dreams were about to come true? It feels as if the world is at your fingertips there to be molded and twisted into what you most desire. It’s a feeling of bliss that springs out extending further and further into those stars until you feel as if you are glowing in unison with them…. I have that feeling now as I gaze into the endless stars…and I plan to hold onto it.